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There are various other great local groups. Here are a few suggestions:
Lancaster University LGBTQ+


This is the main university LGBTQ+ association. Our group (aimed at Postgraduates, Mature students and Staff) is part of this association. They have weekly coffee evenings (Mondays 6pm, Furness TV room), meetings (Wednesdays 5pm, the Errington Room) and socials (see the calendar). They have a website, a facebook page, a facebook group, twitter, tumblr, and email ( 


South Lakes and Lancaster Lesbians


South Lakes and Lancaster Lesbians is a mailing list to connect local women and inform one another of events and relevant news. The idea is to sign up to receive regular email updates of events and be able to email other members directly of any events you want to share. The group welcomes women of all ages and interests.


In order to join please email

There is also a Facebook page for Lancaster and South Lakes Lesbians where members can post events and ideas for meet-ups. This is a closed group and you can ask to join, and then be accepted by an administrator.


South Lakes (Kendal) Lesbians Socials

Many LGBT women and their friends meet at the Vats Bar at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal twice a month - every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7.30pm. Very friendly group. We can be contacted via and Lancaster and South Lakes Lesbians Facebook page:


SALLIES (South Lakes and Lancaster Lesbians Socials)

A popular night out is the SALLIES night in Lancaster – meeting at the White Cross pub on the canal from 6.45pm. These are open to all women, and some nights their male and trans gay-friendly friends. Dates of these events are posted on the Facebook page and via the email network above.


Cumbria Lesbian Network (CLN)

newcomers should contact Gill at: to get on the mailing list.

Queer Boots


A dance night for LGBTQ folk and friends in Lancaster. Details and dates of events can be found on their Facebook page.

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